Larynx is commonly known as the voice box. It helps in production of
speech which is a very important function for everyone. When cancer cells
are formed in the larynx, it is called laryngeal cancer. It is the 2nd most
common head & neck cancer after oral cancer in India.
Warning signs of laryngeal cancer:
- Persistent cough
- Sore throat not resolving for more than 4 weeks
- Discomfort or pain in swallowing
- Hoarseness or change of voice
- Lump in the throat or neck
- Difficulty in breathing
- Difficulty in swallowing
Risk factors:
- Tobacco - consumption of pan, pan masala, gutka, masheri, smoking
of beedi, cigarettes is a leading cause
- Alcohol – consumption of alcohol increases the risk of oral cancer
- Poor dietary habits and lack of proper nutrition
- Human Papilloma Virus infection
How do you diagnose laryngeal cancers?
- Physical examination of the throat & neck
- Fibreoptic Laryngoscopy with biopsy
- CT/MRI/ PET CT scan
Treatment for laryngeal cancers:
- Surgery: Early cancers can be treated by LASER or Robotic
- Advantages : excellent cure rates, maximal voice preservation,
minimal side effects
- Advanced cancers need open surgery i.e. Laryngectomy which means
removal of the entire voice box and surrounding lymph nodes
- Radiation therapy : can be used in early as well as advanced
laryngeal cancers
- Chemotherapy : used along with radiation in advanced laryngeal
Can we prevent Laryngeal Cancer ?
Lifestyle modification in the form of stopping tobacco in all forms will help
to reduce the risk of laryngeal cancer.